I know I've been out of the radar for like 3months+ and many of you left outdated. Thousand apologies. Apparently I like to update more on tweeter now rather than here. Tweeter is simpler and more convenience AND SHORT! But what the hell..I'm still gonna write something here even it takes like forever for me to update a new post.
Okay, since this is the "Year-End Post", I'll tell you the summary of my 2009!
- Became an uncle.
- Bought D90 and learnt more about photography.
- Got into the photographer's clique.
- Got kicked out of SS18-0203 b/c the college didn't pay the owner and moved to SS01-0402. It's on the 4th floor but next to the entrance.
- The twins shifted to Paan's and we're left with 4 people.
- Start playing basketball AGAIN and still playing until now.
- Living a healthy life style, more sport, vegetables and mineral water.
- Got better in Dota! ;p
- But failed the thesis subject...almost TWICE! But luckily it's completed and to be submitted.
- Gained the driving license.
- Still kinda fail driving manual car. ;p
- Being a photographer for Gala Night, one of the college's event.
- Inspired by Kris Allen(LOL!) to play guitar and piano.
- Bought a guitar, according to Nina it was "Nafsu tergantung" Haha!
- Met with Feel Harmonix, the band!
- Somehow, become attached to them until now. Glad I did. ;)
- But not planning to get SO attached.
- Driving skill improved. Lol!
- Gained my dad's trust to drive his car. ;)
- More and more late night outing and the parents already got used to it. Well, as long as I bring the house key.
- Become a shisha addict =.="
- Re-connect with high-school friends which is awesome! You guys are ONE of the BEST!
- Become a twitter addict.
- Planning to further study abroad in Liverpool, UK
- Still struggling writing the personal statement for the UCAS as I don't even know where to start.
- Still haven't compile the portfolio yet.
- Still thinking of any of my achievement in that college to be include in the recommendation letter but apparently I can't think of any. ;(
- I've to complete all that before January 15 or I can say goodbye to UK.
- Now I'm left with 4 WEEKS before I finish my HND studies! Yay! I'm graduating soon!
So that's the gist of it. I still haven't think of any 2010 resolutions. But the resolutions would probably be related to the UK stuff. I'm certain about that. Lol! So again, wish me best of luck peeps! ;)