Im back...Again!

Guess am back shittin' at this blogspot. Yeah,Its been a while...I know. but it cant be help since this semester is soooo very damn hectic for me to cop everything. This and that and so forth. Even an AI robot will eventually explode ya know. Hopefully I wont. *sigh*

At this moment I just wanna finish things up, end this chaotic semester and start a new one with LESS chaotic + LESS tense = MORE relax + MORE DotA. Lol. :p

Oh btw, 'thanx' to Lily Zahara Razali for making me bloggin' again. She kept on pushing me to update my blog and so did my bestie Naz.
And here I am wasted my time thinking up words for blogging instead of finishing my drawings. Haha. Fool me. :p

Ok...gtg now! Back to be drawing's slave. :)

2 Response to "Im back...Again!"

  1. Captain says:
    March 2, 2008 at 4:30 PM


    Okay, go back and finish up your drawing. Hehe. What are you doing blogging ni? Ish ish.


  2. Nazmi says:
    March 4, 2008 at 8:38 PM


    i want MORE!