Tagged by Lily and Ziela

Questions below generated at http://mct421.deviantart.com/art/Question-Meme-Generator-69266481

1. Lily is actually Paan in disguise, you know.
Impossible! There's always one thing that differentiate Lily and others. ;)

2. What's Ika to you?
Friend, Classmate, Friend's Girlfriend. :D

3. What's NadD to you?
A psychotic who's trying to destroy the world. Haha. Kidding. She's a friend and a schoolmate. ;)

4. Who is Farid's best friend?
Afeeya Radzi?

5. Would you open a mystery gift Shawal just gave you, without much hesitation?
Hell NO! He must be up to something! Haha.

6. What would you do if Ziela confessed love to you?
HAHAHA! This is the funniest so far! If this happen I'll tell her this "Ziela, what about Farid? He's my friend you know. Plus, I don't have feelings for you. Sorry." *An immediate reject* HAHAHAHA!

7. Have you ever been in Nughul's house?

8. Have you dreamt of Nik before?
Yes, we went for a trip somewhere with all the guys.

9. Can Paan be bad influence?
Think so. No offence. But look what happened to Kitty. Haha.

10. Do you trust Ramadhan?
In certain aspect, yes.

I tagged Nazmi, Ain, and Buddy. Click on the above link for the questions.
Have fun doing the tag! :)

3 Response to "Tagged by Lily and Ziela"

  1. Anonymous Says:
    February 7, 2009 at 10:29 AM


    hellow.. hahhaa.. xley bla ekk bile part syco tu hahahah..

    btw.. btol ke mmpi g trip ngan Nik ni.. hehehee.. ke wat something else ahahaha..

  2. Captain says:
    February 7, 2009 at 11:31 AM

    what is that one thing that differentiate me than others oy? hahaha!

    i second nad's opinion above HAHA!

    and what happened to kitty? lol! paan paan. :P

  3. Zieq says:
    February 10, 2009 at 7:52 PM


    Haha...of course la btol. We went for a trip then we do something else laaa...like having fun? ^.^


    Urm...maybe ur level of english? Or maybe ur fierceness? Haha.
    Wanna know what happened to kitty? Well, he's a dota freak now. Hahha. Syyhhhh....